Brief: Create a lighting design for the Vivid lighting festival.

Result: Nature vs Nurture - A light installation that features an abundance of lights that are scattered along grass and trees. The design contains resin roses floating on a water-like liquid that is encapsulated by an acrylic geometric structure. 
It is the portrayal that man-kind destroys the environment and suffocates it with preservation; all while nature continues to give its warmth and life. Overall, this design is meant to bring awareness to human-kind’s continuous destruction to the environment and nature’s constant subject to giving all of its resources. 
This is conveyed through the sharp, prison like gem, suffocating the fragile and dainty rose that is still offering its warmth. Additionally, the wire/vine surrounding the product appears very artificial, representing the product of a destructive outside world.
Nature vs Nurture

Nature vs Nurture
